Apr 22, 2010

प्राज्ञ पाठमाला/कार्यालयीन पद्धति के लिए अँग्रेज़ी संदर्भ-1

कई हिंदी प्राध्यापक मित्रों ने नए प्राज्ञ पाठ्यक्रम के बारे में अपनी जिज्ञासा के साथ-साथ कुछ दुविधाओं का भी जिक्र किया है। उनकी दुविधा को दूर कर पाना तो संभव नहीं है मगर उनकी सुविधा के लिए भारत सरकार की विभिन्न वेबसाइटस के सौजन्य से एक प्रामाणिक पुस्तक केंद्रीय सचिवालय कार्यालय पद्धति नियम पुस्तक (अँग्रेज़ी) के पत्राचार के विभिन्न प्रारूपों तथा पद्धतियों से संबधित अध्याय के अंश यहाँ दिए जा रहे हैं -
(अगले अंक में आपको मानक मसौदों के नमूनों से संबंधित अंश उपलब्ध कराए जाएंगे. )
50. Forms of written communications and methods of delivery -

The different forms of written communication and their methods of delivery generally used by a department are described below. Each form has a use and, in some cases, a phraseology of its own. Only black or blue ink will be used in communications. A small margin of about one inch will be left on all sides (left, right, top and bottom) of each page of communications to ensure better preservations of records as at times the paper gets torn from the edges, making reading of the documents difficult. Specimens of these forms are given in Appendix 9.

(1) Letter - This form is used for corresponding with Foreign Governments, State Governments, the Union Public Service Commission and other constitutional bodies, heads of attached and subordinate offices, public enterprises, statutory authorities, public bodies and members of the public generally. A letter begins with the salutation Sir/Madam as may be appropriate.

(2) Demi-official letter -(a) This form is generally used in correspondence between Government officers for an inter-change or communication of opinion or information without the formality of the prescribed procedures. It may also be used when it is desired that the matter should receive personal attention of the individual addressed. Since demi-official letter is written in the first person in a personal and friendly tone, it should be addressed by an officer in a Ministry/Department who is ordinarily not more than one or two levels below the officer to whom such communication is addressed.
Note: For the purpose of determination of level, Secretary/Additional Secretary and Director/Deputy Secretary will be considered as one level.
(b) Communications to non-officials can also take the form of a demi-official letter.

(3) Office Memorandum - This form is generally used for corresponding with other departments or in calling for information from or conveying information to its employees. It may also be used in corresponding with attached and subordinate offices. It is written in the third person and bears no salutation or supersession except the name and designation of the officer signing it.

(4) Inter-departmental note -(a) This form is generally employed for obtaining the advice, views, concurrence or comments of other departments on a proposal or in seeking clarification of the existing rules, instructions etc. It may also be used by a department when consulting its attached and subordinate offices and vice versa.

(b) The inter-departmental note may either be recorded on a file referred to another department or may take the form of an independent self-contained note. The subject need not be mentioned when recorded on the file.

(5) Telegram -
(a) This form is used for communicating with out-station parties in matters demanding prompt attention. The text of the telegram should be as brief as possible.
(b) Telegrams are of two kinds viz. enclair telegrams and cypher code telegrams. The former are worded in plain language. The latter are expressed in secret language (code or cypher or both) but a combination in the same telegram of figures and letters having a secret meaning is not permitted. In editing, numbering and issuing of cypher/code telegrams, the instructions issued by the Ministry of External Affairs in respect of external telegrams and by the Ministry of Home Affairs in the case of internal telegrams, should be carefully observed.
(c) There are four gradings of urgency authorised for use in State telegrams, viz `SVH', `Most Immediate', `Operation Immediate' and `Immediate'. The use of these gradings is regulated by the rules issued by the Department of Posts. Relevant extracts from these rules are contained in Appendix 10.
(d) Telegrams, other than cypher and code telegrams, should normally be followed by post copies.

(6) Fax facility – In urgent and important matters (including legal and financial messages), departments may use fax facilities to send messages, wherever available.
Offices not connected through fax but having telex facilities, may send urgent and important messages through telex instead of a telegram in communicating with out-station offices.

(7) Registered Post/ Registered AD – This method of delivery is used in communicating with offices to ensure receipt of the communication and in the case of Registered AD an acknowledgement of the delivery is also received by the issuing office.

(8) Speed Post – This method of delivery is used to ensure quick receipt of messages warranting urgent attention at the receiving end and an acknowledgement of the delivery is also received by the issuing office.

(9) Office order - This form is normally used for issuing instructions meant for internal administration, e.g., grant of regular leave, distribution of work among officers and sections, appointments and transfers, etc.

(10) Order - This form is generally used for issuing certain types of financial sanctions and for communicating government orders in disciplinary cases, etc., to the officials concerned.

(11) Notification - This form is mostly used in notifying the promulgation of statutory rules and orders, appointments and promotions of gazetted officers, etc. through publications in the Gazette of India. The composition of the gazette, the types of matters to be published in each part and section thereof, the instructions for sending the matter for publication therein and for sending copies thereof are indicated in Appendix 11.

(12) Resolution - This form of communication is used for making public announcement of decisions of government in important matters of policy, e.g., the policy of industrial licensing, appointment of committees or commissions of enquiry. Resolutions are also published in the Gazette of India.

(13) Press communique/note - This form is used when it is proposed to give wide publicity to a decision of government. A press communique is more formal in character than a press note and is expected to be reproduced intact by the press. A press note, on the other hand, is intended to serve as a hand-out to the press which may edit, compress or enlarge it, as deemed fit.

(12) Endorsement - This form is used when a paper has to be returned in original to the sender, or the paper in original or its copy is sent to another department or office, for information or action. It is also used when a copy of a communication is proposed to be forwarded to parties other than the one to which it is addressed. Normally this form will not be used in communicating copies to state governments. The appropriate form for such communication should be a letter.

(13) Circular – This form is used when important and urgent external communications received or important and urgent decisions taken internally have to be circulated within a department for information and compliance by a large number of employees.

(14) Advertisement – This form is used for communicating with the general public to create awareness and may take the form of audio-visual or written communication.

(15) E-mail – This is a paperless form of communication to be used by department having computer facilities supported by internet or intranet connectivity and can be widely used for subjects where legal or financial implications are not involved.
(darpg.nic.in के सौजन्य से)

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